
In the strange event that true desire has led you this far instead of demented curiosity, it’s probably a good time to inform you that the products and concepts presented here, however realistic in their presentation and technically plausible, and in spite of having been trademarked, copyrighted, and allegedly patented, are mostly fictional. Please, seek professional help. Do your parents know you’re here?

Credit for the basic Rectaltronics “Stereophonic Buttplug” concept goes to my late friend Jimmy Pearson — founder of the LUCIFERnet BBS echo network, the Bytebrothers (initial members of LUCIFERnet), and the author of several very early and conspicuously twisted personal computer games. During Jimmy’s work for Boeing he thought it would be amusing to visit aerospace industry trade shows with an attendee badge that said “Rectaltronics” instead of Boeing.  He would then entertain himself by gaslighting the approaching sales drones about fictional products offering hi-tech stereophonic rectal stimulation.

I naturally found the idea funny as hell, took the ball and ran with it.  While drinking entirely too much all we Bytebrothers brainstormed on imaginative ideas, descriptions and graphics.  Our work at first begat a printed catalog and eventually was transformed to the web when Netscape 2.0 was still cutting-edge.  This entire website is a tribute to Jimmy, whose alternative ways of thinking continue to be an inspiration to many.

Thanks, Jimmy. Interesting legacy you’ve left! We miss you…
