About Us

Rectaltronics, Inc. is a designer, manufacturer and wholesaler of high-tech vibrating butt-plugs, and is a pioneer in the field of rectal stimulation. Our unique industry reputation was built on the original famous Rectaltronic(tm) Stereophonic Electronic Butt-Plug, a first-generation electronic butt-plug featuring an RS-232 interface, the ButtStream(tm) bi-directional data standard, and our exclusive, patented Rectaltronic Stereophonic gyroscopically controlled oscillation and reciprocation systems.

We provide butt-plugs in a variety of designs, shapes, sizes, and textures, and include extensive optional interface support for an extensive variety of control systems.

Rectaltronics is proud of the rave reviews of the most recent addition to our product line, the IntelleRect(tm), a fully self-contained automatically self-adjusting vibrating butt-plug with heuristic on-board control systems. This amazing butt-plug is a glowing testament to American miniaturization technology and huge advances in the areas of bio-electronics and artificial intelligence, and represents a giant leap in the science of rectal stimulation.

Our patented, proprietary AnalSim(tm) software allows the safe and controlled testing of new butt-plug designs without potentially dangerous and possibly uncomfortable human testing. Rectaltronic butt-plugs, control systems, software and technology are designed to carry you through the next millenium and beyond.

Rectaltronics, Inc. butt-plugs and accessories are proudly designed and manufactured entirely in the United States of America.